Have you known this?

In the 21st century, the biggest environmental problem we face is the sharp decrease in global forest area. Data show that humans have destroyed 34% of the original forests on the earth in the past 30 years.

According to authoritative statistics, global paper production reaches 320 million tons every year, and nearly 1.3 billion trees disappear completely from the earth every year. That's equivalent to losing an area of forest the size of a football field every minute.
A tree takes a long time to grow. Most toilet paper on the market are made from wood, which requires cutting down a large number of trees. If you want to protect forests, in addition to saving paper, it is more important to reduce the use of deforestation and reduce wood pulp for papermaking.

Yashi paper adheres to the original intention of environmental protection and adheres to the concept of environmental protection
Replacing wood with bamboo and using bamboo pulp to make paper
Reduce tree resource felling.
Based on industry data and calculations,
A 150kg tree (6 to 10 years of growth) can produce 20 to 25kg of finished paper.
20~25kg≈6 boxes of Yashi bmaboo toilet paper
6 boxes of Yashi toilet paper≈Save a 150kg tree
Let’s take action together with Yashi toilet paper,
Join hands to protect a green world;
Let’s work together for the cause of environmental protection,
Contribute your own strength!
Yashi paper is one of China biggest professional tissue manufacturer with 28 years experience, with a full range of bamboo toilet paper, facial tissue, paper towel, napkin, pocket tissue, jumbo roll toilet paper, etc.
More information, please contact us
email :
Jessie yang: sales@yspaper.com.cn
Freya Zhang: sales3@yspaper.com.cn
Grace Wang: sales4@yspaper.com.cn
Whatsapp: Jessie yang +86 13551809324
Freya Zhang +86 18180862730
Grace Wang +86 13666278809
Post time: Jul-08-2024