Excessive chloride content can interfere with the electrolyte balance of the body and increase the extracellular osmotic pressure of the body, leading to cellular water loss and impaired metabolic processes.

1. Benzene in bleaching toilet paperis irritating to skin, eyes and upper respiratory tract. With frequent exposure to benzene, the skin can become dry and flaky due to degreasing, and some develop allergic eczema. The relevant hospital department statistics found that some patients suffering from atopic dermatitis, laryngeal oedema, bronchial class and platelet drop and other diseases, the cause of their illnesses are related to the room decoration of indoor hazardous gases exceeding the standard, the experts call the compounds of the quality of the allergy.
2. Long-term inhalation of benzene can lead to aplastic anaemia. At the initial stage of the gums and nasal mucosa similar to scurvy bleeding, and the emergence of neurasthenia symptoms, manifested as dizziness, insomnia, fatigue, memory loss, thinking and judgement and other symptoms. Later, leukopenia and thrombocytopenia occur, which can seriously impair the bone marrow haematopoietic skills and lead to aplastic anaemia. If the haematopoietic function is completely destroyed, fatal granulocyte leukopenia can occur and can cause leukaemia. In recent years, many labour hygiene data show that aplastic anaemia is more common among workers who have been exposed to benzene mixtures for a long period of time.
3. Benzene can cause congenital defects in foetuses. This problem has attracted the attention of experts at home and abroad. Western scholars have reported that women who inhaled large amounts of toluene throughout their pregnancies gave birth to babies with microcephaly, central nervous system dysfunction and growth retardation. Animal experiments conducted by experts have also proved that toluene can enter the foetus through ****, and the toluene content in the blood of foetal rats can be up to 75% of that in the blood of the mother, and foetal rats will have a drop in birth weight and delayed ossification.
4. People in the dining . Daily life in the process of common use of white bleached paper, its white toilet paperin the chlorine, benzene, phosphor, etc. in the process with people dining into the body or residue in the skin, such as white toilet papertowels to wipe their mouths, contact with food, wipe their hands, hands and then contact with the food, resulting in the body of the chemical carcinogenic hazards.
We -Yashi paper , adopt chlorine free bleaching technology.And for our bamboo toilet paper, there are two colors for your choose.

Post time: Aug-27-2024